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The art told
to our kids


Hi I am ArteConcasKIDS and I speak about the art secrets…

I will tell you everything about the great artists, the huge masterpieces, the museums and the beauties around the world, subscribe to my Youtube Channel and follow me everyday on TikTok and Instagram!

What are you waiting for, become an #ArteConcasKids


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Hi I am ArteConcasKIDS and I speak about the art secrets…

I will tell you everything about the great artists, the huge masterpieces, the museums and the beauties around the world, subscribe to my Youtube Channel and follow me everyday on TikTok and Instagram!

What are you waiting for, become an #ArteConcasKids

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Art is made up of many colors, just like the rainbow!

Yellow, Red, Blue, Green and many others.

And do you know who enjoys using colors, brushes and canvases?


They are just like you: they are creative, they have incredible stories that they often tell through their works of art, where they draw what they know, the people they meet or even the dreams they have while they sleep …

Do you want to know the great artists?

Watch The last videos

start to now the great artists..

Who AM I?

my name is Andrea Concas, but for everyone I am ArteConcas …

Passionate, innovator, curious, sometimes visionary, every day I talk about Art and Innovation as an Art Entrepreneur, popularizer, author, teacher and key note speaker all over the world …

I created the first “ChatBOT Book” in the art world with the “100 Questions 150 Answers” series, published by Mondadori Electa, which, thanks to ArteConcasBOT, answers questions about artists, their lives, works and the market.


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